Family Funeral Service Solaie Kitamoto Azuma is now OPEN!
Soraie, which specializes in small-scale funeral services, opened in Azuma, Kitamoto City, Saitama Prefecture, on September 25, 2023, to provide a peaceful send-off for the deceased.
The perfect place to say goodbye to family and close friends.
The concept of “Solaie” is “a house to send the deceased off warmly to the sky, or heaven.
Although compact, the interior is user-friendly and modern, allowing family members to spend their final moments with the deceased in peace and comfort.
Opening on Monday, September 25th, available from the wake
Grand opening event will be held from Saturday, October 14th to Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
Family Funeral Soraie Kitamoto Azuma
Address] 5-17-1, Azuma, Kitamoto-shi, Saitama
Phone] 0120-77-4000 24 hours a day